My new words to live by

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.
-Lance Armstrong

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 4: Cardio Recovery by BUTT!!

Today was Cardio Recovery. They should call it "You-thought-you-were-gonna-have-it-easy-today-haha!"  My legs are shaking, my calves hurt and at this very moment my body is giving me the middle finger.

I have to confess that I almost quit today. not quit for good, just skipped this work out. Both of the kids were whining and clawing at me, Lucy was throwing food and the floor and needed to pee every 2 minutes. Joseph was at his most pathetic following me around, crying, pulling on my shoes and my pants...*sigh*. I ALMOST gave up. Almost. Then I kept reminding myself how crappy I would feel if I skipped a day. It's almost dishonest. You have to commit.  I can tell that my muscles are looking leaner. I haven't really lost anymore weight, but it's only day 4! I'm kind of a "quick results" girl. Well guess what, Insanity is only 60 days but believe me, this is not an easy quick fix. There's nothing easy about it. Even when I do the breathing into the stretches I feel like I'm gonna pass out. But I do it. I commit. SO, off to finish the rest of my day! Good luck everyone!

Here are some examples of how my legs and arms are starting to define:

Ooh La la legs!

Leanish and meanish

Can you show me the way to the gun show?

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