My new words to live by

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.
-Lance Armstrong

Monday, May 7, 2012

Insanity Day 1: Fit Test


This is a very accurate portrayal of how I'm feeling right now. But hey, that's some awesome cleavage! 

I've got to come right out and say it. I am out of shape. 50 pounds or not, I am totally out of shape. Sure I can run 2 miles and blah blah blah but dang. Today was our first day of INSANITY. Wait, no, not even really our first day. Today was the Fit Test. Nothing spells out motivation like the words, "I Suck."  Ok, so I don't suck but I must admit I feel like throwing up

All jokes aside, I KNOW I'm taking a step in the right direction. I KNOW how good this is for me. I KNOW that I'll be happier and healthier. No pain, no gain, right? No SACRIFICE, no gain. I believe that the sweetest things in life are the things you work for and the things you earn. I'm going to earn this. No one can do it for me. The only thing holding me back is ME and my second-guessing brain. I'm gonna have horrible days and I'm going to have great days. Good or bad, they're going to be absolutely worth it.  I think my family will appreciate and hopefully grow from my example. I don't want my kids to see their mother as a lazy, complacent woman who never did anything for herself. I want to show my kids how to be healthy and active and how to take care of their bodies and how to Number 1. RESPECT THEMSELVES.

I never had must self respect. I don't plan on going into too much detail here but for all of you that REALLY know me, you know.  I've gone from ok, to bad, to worse to WORST. It's climbing myself out of that hole that matters here. I'm still climbing....I'm still climbing.

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