Wow. I wish I could say I am speechless, but then this blog would be pointless. I....feel...INCREDIBLE. Yes, I took breaks when I needed to and yes, once I had to stop to take a kid to the potty but I finished it again. As my mom would say (with 100% more sarcasm,) "MIRACLES NEVER CEASE!" I needed a miracle today. I woke up sore, my neck tweaked from sleeping with the baby again all night. My calves hurt. My back is aching. I took 2 Ibuprofen and put my big girl panties on. After a run to a Dr's appointment for Lucy, we came home, ate lunch and I put the cretins to bed. Then I kicked my own *%&. Literally. Butt kicks suck. So do power jumps and moving push ups. But I did it! I finished again. Sweat was dripping and I wanted to throw up but I finished. I don't think I swore today, but I might have. Day 3...KILLED IT! (And I'm super proud of myself:)
With Insanity, it's recommended that for your suggested daily calorie intake that you eat 5 small meals a day. OK...I needed some clarification because I cannot eat 5 times a day! That seems so counter-productive to me. So I asked my awesome Beachbody Coach, Kristin Hatch just what I'm supposed to be doing. Eat a healthy breakfast, and throughout the day, eat a few snacks, i.e. an apple, banana, protein bar/shake and your meals should get smaller throughout the day. OK, THAT makes sense to me. Yesterday I had 5 small meals all about 400 calories each. I felt sick by the end of the night and a little defeated thinking maybe I should go for a run or something. Now that I'm more informed as to what/how I should be eating, I think I can do it!
Insanity has a great nutrition program. It gives you different tiers of food ranging from best to worst. It says that if you only eat from the first two tiers then you would have a near-perfect diet. Well guess what? Most of the foods that I love are on the first two tiers! Sure I love pasta and I LOVE croissants, but those can be eaten sparingly, like for a special occasion. And guess what else? Your body NEEDS carbs when you're exercising! Your body needs food to keep your metabolism up. Again, I'm not one for cheesy quotes but I think theses ones are especially true:
OK, this last one has taken me a LONG time to figure out. How often do we feed ourselves out of boredom? How often do we overeat because we're celebrating? OK guys, we all know that I'm not a nutritionist. I still have horrible days where I eat terrible things. I'm HUMAN! Having said that, I am getting way better at eating when my body feels hungry or tired, rather then when I just feel like it. And THEN I choose healthy snacks. It's a daily battle. Do I eat the apple or do I drink a coke? Do I scramble all 3 whole eggs or spend a little extra time to separate the egg whites from the yolks?
I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit...something like that. 21 days? So all you have to do is make better choices at home and at the grocery store for 21 days. Is it going to hurt you to try?
TRY new things! TRY new foods! Trying will turn into doing. I can't get discouraged because THAT'S what hurts me. Giving up is what hurts you. Life happens, I get that. But it goes on too. It was my choice to get healthy. Can you imagine how much different my life would be if I were at a point where my Dr has to say, "Get healthy or...?" By losing the little extra weight I've cut my risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, Pulmonary disease and certain cancers.
OK, so hopping off of my soapbox. I'm not here to preach. I'm amazed at how many page views I've gotten already. If this can not only help me succeed, but if someone, somewhere reads this and takes that first step towards a positive change, I'm over the moon.
We're all beautiful. Don't let the media and society dictate how you should look and how you should feel about yourself. Just do it for you and the people who love you. Isn't that kinda like what they say on airplanes if something should happen? Fasten your OWN mask first, then the people who love you. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU. Love yourself for who you are. Love yourself and the world will follow. Smile and the world smiles with you.
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