6 weeks to make a change within myself.
6 weeks to make a change to my outer self.
6 weeks to feeling more confident.
6 weeks to make myself believe that I really DO matter.
6 weeks to remember where my priorities lie.
6 weeks to show my family that I'm not a quitter.
6 weeks to feel great in a dress.
That's all it takes. A month and a half. I realize this blog is very....bi-polar. I tend to have very high ups and very low-downs. Right now I'm a little bit in the middle. Yesterday I felt like an incredible loser, and I got angry. No one asked me WHY I was angry and spiteful and honestly, I probably couldn't have given them a straight, truthful answer. The only truth I know is that we ALL feel like that some days. We ALL feel inadequate at times and we have the audacity to tell ourselves that we are not good enough. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough. In fact, there was an instance last week when I felt completely, 100% rejected by another and I actually wondered if it was because I was just too fat. I wondered if I had faced this rejection based solely on my outer appearance. NOW I know that wasn't the case, but how messed up is it that that's the first place my mind went? We as women face difficult and sometimes not easy to pin-point rejection. We face rejection when we see size 0 mannequins at the mall, we face rejection when we see a "Dove" commercial showing "real-sized" women who STILL look nothing like us. We face rejection when we don't feel like we're keeping up with the fitness experts in workout videos. We feel it when we compare ourselves to others for the things they may have that we do not. It's a vicious, vicious cycle that realistically, we will never be able to overcome completely. I have done and still do every single one of these things. It has been pounded into my brain so repeatedly that I need to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain person that it's dang near impossible to figure out, even at age 31, who I am and who I really want to be...and being ok with it.
You can say what you want, but no matter how badly I want my body took look a certain way, the fact of the matter is that I've had 3 children. I have grown older. My stretch marks may fade with time, but they will never disappear. The scarring is there to remind me of a greater physical transformation that my body has been able to journey through...3 times. The point is, I'm not going to look like Heidi Klum. Or Jennifer Aniston. Or Megan Fox. Or...who cares!? The only person I'm ever going to look like is MY BEST SELF. So I've got some pounds to lose and habits to change...that's really not up to anyone but me. I make the decision. I make the food. I do the exercise. I get the rewards. I don't remember if I said anything about the little red hen story in a previous blog, but that's kind of what it's like. I don't better myself and do all of the hard work so someone ELSE can feel great in a dress or a swimming suit. It's that simple....really.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Be the best YOU and for the LOVE OF IT.........Just start being NICE to yourself!
On to day 3 of Slim in 6!